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Love and warm wishes are best delivered with
greeting cards & prints by artist Lisa Worrall
Watch this short video and hear Lisa tell her story

Meet Lisa Worrall
The Artist Behind Iddy Biddy Boo Design

As a child I made elaborate troll houses out of paper and boxes as a substitute for the dollhouse I wanted from the Sears catalog, but didn’t get for Christmas. Using different mediums, such as colored pencil, ink, and a technique with intricately cut paper, I created my dream dollhouses. Looking back, I’m glad I was challenged to make something out of nothing!
Cutting and assembling paper shapes and colors into delicate images fascinates me, whether using vintage or modern papers. I have even used a page of Braille text I found in the scrap box at school! Tiny scissors and surgical tweezers are the tools that work best for my small design work. There’s a little box on my work table filled with a collection of odd bits of paper. I love it when one lost scrap finds its way to just the right spot in one of my designs.
Teaching first grade brought me in touch with creative and inspirational six year olds on a daily basis. I love seeing children bundled up in brightly colored, mismatched snow clothes. Such lovely shapes and colors. My goal for each piece of art is to capture that children’s sense of joy and humor. I’ve been told my art has a whimsical voice; definitely inspired by the children in my life!